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Noting the new light rail line in nearby Baltimore SEPTA could no longer ignore its trolley as an entity and the authority established a light rail division. One of the first tasks of the division was to dispel fears that recently abandoned surface trolley lines to be allowed to fall into disrepair. The result was the restoration of Brill built, in 1926, car 8534, and a two day event during which it was available for the public to ride. This program tells the story of the restoration of 8534, as well as other numerous events held in conjunction with the Trolleyfest, which include the Chestnut Hill Trolley, run with PCCs, open house at Woodland repair shop, special service on Route 15, converted to bus in 1992 and of course the operation of 8534 and more. Produced in a documentary style with announcements and music
50 minutes
Untitled Document
Anchor Videos
3 Cedar Drive
Montague, NJ 07827
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